Calm Down Karen Trail Mix
Calm Down Karen Trail Mix
Everybody has experienced a wild Karen-induced headache. Managers, customer service reps, cashiers, and baristas are among the many unfortunate victims of brazen middle-aged fury. When you see that haircut coming your way, reach for a bag of Calm Down Karen trail mix. It’s the funny gag Christmas gift for teens and adults that could just save you from explaining to the police that the 10 pound poop in her yard isn’t from your pug … again. Uncle Frank is proud of our commitment to making unique food gifts that combine premium quality ingredients and weird humor for the perfect gag gift ideas for white elephant gifts, secret Santa gifts, and care packages. Every batch is seasoned and packaged with love in the USA. Gourmet gift basket fillers shouldn’t be boring for the giver or the recipient. Calm down, Karen snack mix is are as fun to put in adult stockings, Easter baskets, and birthday bags as they are enjoyable to receive on a special occasion or for no reason at all.